Thursday, October 3, 2019

Use a Sandwich Board to Promote Your Event!

Human_billboard_Atlanta from [Public domain]  Wikipedia
 by Scott Ehardt
The days when people were “sandwiched” between two boards suspended on straps have gone by the wayside because the “Human Billboard” has given way to the “Digital Billboard”. 

Yes, the new media technologies are “smart” and people today are much savvier with their iPhones, laptops and use of social media like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and the like. However, it does not mean that the old media technologies have disappeared altogether.

On the contrary, Sandwich Boards and their companion posters are still one of the most widely used and effective mobile advertising methods around and their use has been steadily growing.  Why are Sandwich Boards still preferred over other advertising methods? The reason is simple. They work! Sandwich boards have taken a stand to address a different audience of passers-by which travels by foot rather than moving vehicles.

Today’s sandwich boards occupy the city sidewalks or inside of shopping malls, airports, hotels and even convention centers. Then again, many if not most of them, are still deployed just outside the retail stores, offices, restaurants, parking stalls and more recently at garage and yard sales, arts and crafts fairs, moving sales and other venues where an announcement, information-giving or directions are required.

All in all, sandwich boards are an inexpensive portable solution to attract the attention of passers-by. Your posters are interchangeable and easy to fasten on! It’s a cost-effective way to take your message to the public. Try a sandwich board today and your advertising budget will thank you for the savings!



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